Kop-Z first heard the term "A Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamic System" in a book he found in an old junk shop in Manchester city centre for 2 quid. Its describes humans as systems constantly battling the entropy and world’s challenges around us in order to survive:
"Whilst this is true, we are also systems that work together. We think, learn, grow, and create beautiful things like art and music. I love this contrast. There are many similar contrasts in the spaces we inhabit: day and night, love and hate, going to bed at 9 p.m. or 9 a.m.”
He articulates this contrast by juxtaposing vignettes of human life with unrelentingly kinetic probability programming systems. Autobiographical field recordings, manually looped vinyl and childhood video games melt into psychedelic waves of sub-focussed pressure.
Throughout the record, these themes are engaged by a psyche imprinted by influences such as jungle, footwork, noise, rave, post punk, reggae, the Curry Mile and a river in the Peak District.
This results in an auditory fabric that interlocks contrasting physical and digital systems across temporal contexts. Rejoicing in the expression of lived human experience, whilst surrendering to the chaos of the machine.