Utter presents 'Citizen Void' by Celestial Mechanic, a special collaboration between celebrated author Rian Hughes, Kevin Foakes (DJ Food) and Saron Hughes. The deluxe package was designed by Rian and contains the LP and 7" on yellow vinyl plus an art print and press release.
Rian Hughes' novel "XX" includes a review of a fictional album based on a mysterious signal of extraterrestrial origin. DJ Food and Saron Hughes were tasked with the job of taking this review and making the album a reality. In what may be a first, the review actually preceded the music.
Rian Hughes' novel "XX" includes a review of a fictional album based on a mysterious signal of extraterrestrial origin. DJ Food and Saron Hughes were tasked with the job of taking this review and making the album a reality. In what may be a first, the review actually preceded the music.