Parasols (Ali Renault) applies ABS to the bpm with the new beat friendly ‘Diaz’; a slasher disco stalker prowling the lower east side of somewhere deep in your residual nightmares. Red Corner thwacks hard and dusky like a dustbin full of grit. Now your as giddy as the time you had your first bucket. The mutated commentary that underpins this clash of pans melts woozily into ‘Sacrifice’, which comes on all Baldelli inspired like some Rimini horror fest where Benetton and Timberlands frug it out amongst shadows in the Mediterranean dusk. Bursting with energy the finalimente of this accomplished brace of toons is possibly the standout, ‘Cessana Learning’ leers and lurches with weird gut belches that are both melodic and disorienting at the same time; shifting gears midpoint into some glorious electro chimes that will strike a chord with fans of other post techno luminaries such Ed DMX. Get some of this, enjoy flagellate and try to stay conscious!