Babel generates three new values from comparing the relative magnitudes of a collection of input values (3 or more), along with a mean value.
When Babel is used for modulation, it behaves like something somewhere between a multiplier ("ring modulator") and a wavefolder. More precisely, XSOME is to triangle waves what multiplication is to sine waves. With two triangle waves, XSOME creates two triangle waves with frequencies that are the sum and difference of the frequencies of the original waves. If you use complex waveforms, it shifts individual triangle wave components of those waveforms.
When Babel is used for logical tasks, the output ANY is true if any of the inputs is true. It is the logical version of a mixer that adds multiple triggers to a single trigger output. The ALL output is true only if all inputs are true. It is the logical version of a VCA, where a stream of triggers is output only when another gate is true. The XSOME output is useful for creating complex sequences that are more than the sum of their parts because, depending on the value of the other signals, any change in the incoming signal can cause a change in the output signal. When all other signals are true, a true value causes the XSOME output to become false and a false value causes the XSOME output to become true; on the other hand, when all other signals are false, a true or false value is simply passed to the XSOME output.
With the additionally available expander, Babel can be extended by eight outputs each. The expanders can be daisy-chained together so that Babel can be equipped with tons of inputs.