Newly landed and now in stock; our latest drop from our ongoing collaboration with Condesa Electronics gives us a fresh batch of specially etched, plated and modded Lucias, a once off run to mark 30 years of Rubadub. Housed in Australian Blackwood and Tasmanian Oak, as always, these rotaries flaunt their characteristics reminiscent of the legendary E&S and Bozak models.
Championing their distinctive sound with discrete analog circuitry, Condesa mixers arguably eclipse modern audio circuits with zero compromise in audio quality due to exclusion of integrated circuits used in most manufactured mixers. Proponents argue that because discrete components are larger, they carry a higher voltage and are less susceptible to electrical interference.
The founder, Medhi El-Aquil, a longtime audio equipment specialist, leads the company with a strong emphasis on a clear and present sound through discrete circuitry; this has in turn, led to the well earned accolade of being recognised as producing some of the world's most sought after hi-fi rotaries in its near decade existence.