Expand on the modulation capabililities of the Instruo Ochd with the new Expander module.
Launched in 2019 and designed in collaboration with Ben "DivKid" Wilson, the Instruō øchd has set a standard for compact and versatile modulation sources which can now be seen across thousands of eurorack systems.
The øchd's 8 analogue outputs can now be be tripled with a farther 16 unique control voltage sources by pairing it with the øchd expander ([ø] 4^2).
All outputs are derived from combinations of the 8 analogue triangle LFO cores to produce an extravagant range of variable voltages, triggers and 4x 4-Bit DAC based stepped random voltage sources which are best described as flavours of "slow noise".
Enhance your existing modulation capabilities immediately with this 4HP cluster of control voltage capabilities.
Note: øchd required, all cables included with expander
Key Features:
- 4 full wave rectifiers
- 2 pairs of analogue diode logic Max/Min signal generators
- 4 trigger sources which can combine in a cascaded fashion through
- normal connections
- 4 4-Bit DAC outputs generating variations of slow noise
R-2R 4-bit Ladder DACs
There are two factors at play that impact the DAC outputs. Firstly, the rate of the LFOs set the rate of the random signals. Secondly, the ordering of Most Significant Bit (MSB) to Least Significant Bit (LSB) effects the size and rate of the voltage change. The following clusters from the Ochd will produce four different flavours of random voltage (slow noise) from the Ochd Expander.
Full Wave Rectifiers
All negative portions o the LFOs are inverted resulting in unipolar positive signals at the expander outputs (0-5 volts).
Analogue Diode Logic Pairs
The max/min outputs produce a bipolar -5 to +5 volt signal. The top two channels (max) output whichever is currently the highest voltage of the original LFO input pair. The bottom two channels (min) output whichever is currently the lowest voltage of the original LFO input pair.
Cascading Triggers
Produces ~8ms triggers at the start of the rising edge of the LFO signals. Cockwise cascading normalisation through the outputs results in a layering of trigger signals if the previous output is left unpatched